DAVID WOJCIECHOWSKI grew up in South Jersey, went to Syracuse University to study advertising, worked as a creative assistant/copywriter in NYC, then went back to Syracuse to earn his MFA in poetry, and now he lives in Albany with his partner where he works as an adjunct instructor and freelance graphic designer.

His first book, Dreams I Never Told You & Letters I Never Sent, was published in 2017 by Gold Wake Press, and his first chapbook, Koniec (End), is coming in 2023 from Greying Ghost. His poems have appeared in Bateau, Bending Genres, HAD, Meridian, Sporklet, and other amazing journals.

David has designed books for Deep Vellum, Malarkey Books, Pleiades Press, Ricochet Editions, Salt Hill Journal, and Split/Lip Press among other clients. He has taught first-year writing, poetry, and literature at Syracuse University, Le Moyne College, Onondaga Community College, and SUNY Polytechnic.

He is the editor-in-chief of Postcard.

You can find him on various social media sites @MrWojoRising.